... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 8 day 5

  Mood swings.  Wow.  Very little can prepare me for the swingyness that is happening from the heavy doses of hormones coursing through my wife.  Because of this, her actions and reactions are not altogether her own. 
  Sometimes feeling like an ass is inevitable.  There is nothing I can say or do to smooth over certain situations.  I think as long as I come to terms with this fact and do everything in my power to minimize the amount of perceived ass coming from my general direction then I will be okay.
  Pretending I’m Data from Star Trek is how I propose to handle this.  When I say something that will be inferred/implied in a way that I don’t mean I plan to let every muscle in my face go slack.  Show no emotion.  No raising of the eyebrow.  No twitching of the nose.  And especially no grinding of teeth.  I haven’t had Botox, but can imagine what it’s like and that’s what I’m trying to emulate.  Next, speak in slow monotones and don’t use conjunctions. (Just like Data).  Keep the pitch of my voice even and give no hint of any vocal inflection.  Speak when spoken to and ask no questions. 
   I suspect this might cause an even more adverse reaction and I’m open to any other suggestions….
Anything to keep me from being an ass.

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