... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"He only picks on you because he likes you"

Right.  Now that I have a daughter, this comment doesn't seem so innocent.  In fact, it was never innocent.  It's a precursor to bad behavior which, if not corrected, can lead to the dark side.
   I didn't always realize this.  My wife has helped me to see the light.  But once you see it, it's blatantly obvious.
   Follow this link to see the experience of one parent and their reaction. (It's a quick read and well worth it)
   I think the challenge comes in making parents realize that what their sons are doing when they're 4 and 5 will shape what they do when they're 20.
   It's easy to blow it off from ages 2 to 5 because they're just so darn cute.  How could anything they do be violent or aggressive?  I myself remember picking on and making fun of girls.  And guess what, it WAS because I had a grade school crush on them.  But that's not an excuse to act like an ass.
   If you have a son, please help them be respectful of their female peers.  Help them learn how not to grow up instigating an abusive relationship with their partner.  Help them choose love, not intimidation.  Help them coose respect, not dominance.  
   In the meantime, enjoy this video of VB pointing to all the birds in her room.  You can also see it on Youtube HERE.