... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 28 Day 6

   I’ve read a lot of books on pregnancy & childbirth.  I can’t even remember which ones any more.  I’ve gotten a great deal of useful information from them, but they all kind of run together after a point. 
   So one morning as I’m skimming a chapter I mention some factoid about something else that could go wrong with the birth and my wife says “the right answer isn’t in ANY of these books!”
   And of course, she’s right.  We could read every book available and still miss the one thing that might be really useful.  And 100 years ago there probably weren’t any books on childbirth at all!  Yet the human species has managed to continue for a couple hundred thousand generations.
   I’ve decided that I’m going to stop feeling bad about not reading this book or missing that point.  Because in the end, we have to trust ourselves to say or do the right thing.  And when that fails… “oops!  We learned”  As another friend taught me.  
   The only way to not be an ass is by learning from my mistakes that mark me as an ass.  It’s like good and evil; you can’t know one unless the other exists