... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

33 Days Old

   We keep on telling ourselves that we got lucky.  Our daughter is awesome!  She’s not too fussy and sleeps.  And lets us sleep.  Of course, I’d say she’s awesome even IF she didn’t let us sleep. 
   We don’t want to jinx it, but so far, I think we’re doing ok with this parenting thing.  We’re doing lots of laundry and dishes.  The house looks to be in a state of organized chaos.  The laundry baskets are in the living room but full of folded clothes most of the time.  The floor could use a vacuuming.  But overall, we feel…. Ok.
   We go to sleep around 10 pm.  She wakes up for a feeding around 2am.  It takes 45 minutes to an hour to get her back to sleep and if we’re lucky she doesn’t wake up until 5:30 or 6.  Sometimes she’ll wake up 2 times in a night.  But after all the anecdotal stories about babies waking up every 2 hours and taking 2 hours to go back to sleep,  we feel blessed.
   One night this week she actually slept for 10 straight hours.  Too bad we couldn’t enjoy it because we were up every 2 or 4 hours worried that something was wrong.  A couple of inquiries later that day revealed that every parent experiences this.  So here we are with a 4 week old who slept 10 hours through the night.
   Maybe I’m just bragging here.  Chalk it up to my being an ass.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

31 Days Old

I love interacting with my daughter.  She's pretty good at smiling.  Though it seems to happen at pretty random times.  But yesterday she smiled at me so I smiled back and she smiled again.  I still don't know if it's on purpose or not.  But it seemed like it had meaning.  Or I'm just a smitten dad.
   This is not one of those times.
The dogs have been great.  I think at times they still don't really know what to do with her.  So any time they come close to occupying the same space, we take notice.  Now we finally get to share the effects of Ricky's tail with our child.  And be asses while we videotape it and laugh.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

29 Days Old

Here's a photo from a while ago.  Back when she was even more helpless than she is now.  And boy do I miss it.  
She's starting to figure us out.  Apparently, we're easy to train.  She'll fuss if we're in the room with her, but then she'll calm down if we leave the room.  Then she'll get fussy again if we come back into the room.  Yep, that's my daughter... needing affirmation.  Just like her old man.
   But how can you ignore a face like this?  I think the worst thing we could do right now would be to ignore the fussing and NOT pick her up.
   After all, she's only 4 weeks old and the changes we've see in that short period of time have amazed us and made us realize that this isn't going to last long.  Better enjoy it while we can.  
   Please note the Darth Vader preparing breakfast for his kids T-shirt.  His apron reads "worlds greatest dad". It's a funny shirt, but I'm not sure I could think of an assier dad than Darth Vader.