... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, May 21, 2012

19 Weeks Old

Being a new father I’m quickly discovering (and being told) all of the one million and one ways that my child could die.  This week alone has inundated me with enough articles, clips and Facebook shares to keep me awake very late tonight.
   First there’s this which shows some scary footage of what it looks like if the car you’re driving gets in a collision and your child is in a forward facing seat.
   And this shows the rise of diabetes in America’s youth.
   As summer quickly approaches and we are spending time in or near water, this informational tidbit describing what happens to people who are drowning.  This scares me more than the movie Jaws. 
   And finally, I just finished reading Storms of Our Grandchildren by James Hansen who explains that if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels, nothing living will exist on planet Earth within 1000 years because the surface temperature will parallel that of Venus.
  Oh goody.  So:
Keep using rear facing car seats as long as possible – Check
Eat more vegetables – Check
Swim Lessons  – Working on it
   And write my legislators telling them to close down all coal fired power stations and reduce my use of carbon.  – Ummm… I drive a Prius (Can I get a half check for that?)
   I realize that if we spend all our time worrying about everything that could go wrong in this world, we’ll miss everything when it goes right.  But try not worrying when this is on the line: