... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, August 6, 2012

30 Weeks Old

Eat your heart out, Philip Glass!
Von Bebe is having way too much fun on our digital Korg piano.
   The last week has seen a lot of developments and I'd be an ass if I didn't at least mention some of them.  She's getting really good at walking with our help.  She's started scooting herself all over the place and somehow remains firmly on her butt.  She pinched her finger in a drawer today.  If we are laying next to her, she'll use us as leverage to pull herself up to a crouching position.  Same thing in the bath tub.  She was playing with mom's ID badge at lunch but when she took it away, VB started wailing.  So she might be really opinionated, stubborn and angry when she doesn't get what she wants.  (Can't wait until the inevitable grocery store melt down)  And to top everything off, we finally see a tooth. (98% sure)  So there's lots of drool in addition to sore gums.  Oh, and two more vaccination shots this morning as well.
   Holy cow, it's been a productive week.  I somehow managed to paint the guest bathroom as well.  Woo to the hoo.