... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 30 Day 2

   Wow, I totally missed week 29.
   We’ve been getting a lot of concerned questions about the dogs.  We have 2.  Ricky and Lucy.  No, we didn’t get them at the same time.  But they’re quite a pair.
   Lucy can be seen here hiding under the crib that was generously donated (temporarily) by my mother and father in law.  Which, by the way, he made himself.  Very cool.

   It’s hard to tell in the photo because of her zombie eyes, but she is actually quite content.  She likes anything cave-like.  But in the picture it looks as though she will devotedly defend the future baby, or eat it.
   There’s lots of information out there on introducing your pets to the new baby.  So we’re reading up on that as well.  Check out this recent article, for example.
   We will certainly do everything we can to make the transition as smooth as possible hoping to get a dog like this.  Definitely not an ass.  Because dogs can totally be asses, too.  They just don’t know it and you can't really explain it to them.


  1. Puhleez. You guys are possible THE most prepared expectant parents on the planet. You'll be fine. Your dogs have walked this road with you, so far. They'll be great. BTW- that beautiful home-made piece of furniture's not a crib, it's a bassinet. Geez. You're such an ass. ;)

  2. Way to put the ass in bASSinet.
