... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Menenism (aka: douchebaggery)

     I try to be as objective as possible when confronted with opinions I disagree with. But I might make an exception for the fatuous blowhards who call themselves 'Menenists'. What a bunch of pompous narcissistic buffoons.
     When I hear these guys start to whine about the unfairness of their lives, I want to pull out a scanning electron microscope to find the worlds tiniest violin so I can play them a tune.
It takes a monumental effort to keep my eyes from rolling back towards my brain when they spout vitriol towards today's developed countries where there's no 'need' for femenism because women have equal rights. (right!) Because... they can vote. Isn't that enough?
     The 'rights' that these so called menenists are fighting for aren't even the kind of rights that would promote any kind of sexual revolution for men. They would be perfectly content maintaining the status quo. Defending the right for men to act all macho isn't something that needs to be justified because it's already ubiquitous in today's society. (sadly)
     If we really want a sexual revolution for men (and some of us do) we would be fighting harder for paternal leave and shamelessly choose to stay at home while our spouses work. We would be building up our confidence so that we can wear pink skirts with our daughters without feeling embarrassed. We wouldn't be 'threatened' just by sitting in a Chevy Aveo. Yes, someone once told me that they wouldn't be caught dead sitting in a Chevy Aveo. It's sad to think that a male ego is so fragile that simply sitting in a small car would be enough to shatter it.

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