... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

23 Weeks Old

   Nap time is a chance for me to do all those things that I can't do as a stay-at-home-dad when Von Bebe is awake.  Things like paying the bills, painting the kitchen and refinancing the house.  
   She actually CAN entertain herself with her toys, hands and feet... for about 10 minutes at a time.  But generally speaking, if she is awake I am with her.  Entertaining her.  Changing her.  Feeding her.  Making her laugh.  You get the idea.
   So it is in my best interest to (quickly) get her to take a nap.  Swaddling, rocking and singing to her are all good options, but the thing that works best so far is pushing her around in a stroller.  The best part is when she gets real tired and starts moaning/whining/singing herself to sleep.  (Skip to 1:15 if you don't want to watch the whole thing)  Also, play Tom Petty's "Time to Move on" at the same time.  I tried to incorporate it but YouTube blocked it for copyright reasons. (As well they should)


  1. We love Tom Petty's "Alright For Now." Good work, papa.

  2. Thanks, Melissa. I love validation.
