Here's a photo from a while ago. Back when she was even more helpless than she is now. And boy do I miss it.
She's starting to figure us out. Apparently, we're easy to train. She'll fuss if we're in the room with her, but then she'll calm down if we leave the room. Then she'll get fussy again if we come back into the room. Yep, that's my daughter... needing affirmation. Just like her old man.But how can you ignore a face like this? I think the worst thing we could do right now would be to ignore the fussing and NOT pick her up.
After all, she's only 4 weeks old and the changes we've see in that short period of time have amazed us and made us realize that this isn't going to last long. Better enjoy it while we can.
Please note the Darth Vader preparing breakfast for his kids T-shirt. His apron reads "worlds greatest dad". It's a funny shirt, but I'm not sure I could think of an assier dad than Darth Vader.
I remember a little boy who refused to go to sleep unless Mom or Dad was next to him, except when Grandma or the babysitter was there when he went right to sleep by himself!