I almost ended the day without being an
ass. Then I dropped my daughter. Well… not really dropped per se, but we were
practicing sitting and she fell over.
And bonked her chin right on mom’s hard shin bone.
Immediately after there was a 2 second pause
followed by a great deal of screaming/crying.
It didn’t help that it was right before feeding time.
I knew it was bound to happen sooner or
later. I think I even mentioned it here
months ago along with a link to a video of dads hurting their kids.
I guess as far as bonks go, this one wasn’t
that bad. Still no emergency room visit
yet… (*knock knock*) and she’s almost 4 months old. That’s a streak I’d like to keep until.. oh,
her 30th birthday or so.
I’m sure it will happen again. And I will mention it here when it does for
all the world to see. Does writing about
it make me as much of an ass as the act of inadvertently causing pain and
discomfort? Or does letting the dog lick
her make me more of an ass?