... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, September 10, 2012

35 Weeks Old

Oh.  I may have forgotten to mention that VB is crawling.  Another big life changing event for both her and us.  As you can see, she is completely mobile.
Fortunately, she decided to wait until after last week's camping trip to start crawling.  I can only imagine chasing after her while shoving the entirety of nature in her mouth.  But I suspect she's eaten worse.  Like large clumps of dog hair that she hones in on while crawling all over the living room... and kitchen... and bedroom.  
   I've heard that babies who grow up with dogs in the house are 25% healthier than homes without dogs.  Not sure where I heard that.  I could google it... if I cared.  But frankly, my daughter is probably somewhere eating hair while I write this.  
   While learning to crawl has made us very proud parents, VB does a multitude of actions every day that make us happy and proud.  Here she is drinking water out of a glass like an honest to god person!
That gasp/laugh keeps us entertained and honestly, it's the best part of my day knowing I will be coming home to her smiley, laughing face.