... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Week 19 Day 3

   Game #2 to play with your pregnant wife:  Hold up the belly.
Only I think she really appreciates this one.  After all, she holds it up 24/7 and breathes a huge sigh of relief when I do this. 
   So what I do is just lift her stomach using both of my hands spread along the underside of the baby bulge.  It is surprisingly heavy and substantial.  And I am very thankful that I don’t have to hold this extra weight in front of me at all times.  I imagine that I would if I could because I see just how tired it makes her and I’d like to do anything I can to alleviate her stress (both physical and psychological). 
   Then I could be like the aliens in the Alien Nation series that was on in the late 80s early 90s.  I was going to post a link to a youtube video here but what I found is far more disturbing than I even remember.  (It might be the mullets)  Oh what the heck, here it is. 
   That show was wacky, but fairly open minded and progressive when it comes to sex roles in our society.  Definitely not assy.
   As for me holding up my wife’s stomach, I’ll leave that up to her as to whether it makes me an ass or not.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 19 Day 1

   The baby is a kickpuncher.  Apparently it can really do a number.  According to my wife, it feels like this kind of number.  Which I guess isn’t surprising since it looks something like this:  (Look!  It has eyebrows!)  And brain cells are growing by 100,000 every second!

   We’re going to wait to find out the sex of the baby which is why I keep referring to it as “it”.  There are very few real “surprises” in this world and this is one of them.  (My wife’s words and very accurate I think)  I’ve heard stories of couples wanting to keep it a secret, went in for an ultrasound and the technician spilled the beans.  So we’re not getting an ultrasound either.  Plus the effects of ultrasounds on a developing fetus are still largely unknown.
   Sometimes the best way to keep from being an ass is to do nothing at all!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 18 Day 5

   The baby is moving quite a bit now and my wife can feel it regularly.  I’ve felt it too.  At first I couldn’t tell if it was just the pulse in my hand but the little guy/gal was really moving around today.  This is an amazing and wonderful experience. 
   Now that we’re in week 18 my phone app tells me the baby is 7.8 inches long and weighs between 7.1 and 8.5 ounces.  So according to the list I posted back in week 10, it is roughly the size of safety goggles.  I may have to revise this list at some point to make the weights more accurate.
   Feeling the fetus move is a very humbling, joyous and inspiring event.  I can only imagine the feeling of another living entity inside of you.  Completely dependent on you for everything yet oblivious to what lies beyond for another 20 weeks or so.
   Truly amazing and not assy at all.