... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

5 Months 5 Days Old

Before Von Bebe was born, I remember writing about babies laughing and included a link to a video showing this.  Sadly, that link no longer works.  As a reminder, enjoy watching THIS and THIS.
  This is all well and good, but I now have a taste of what it may be like to hear my own child laugh.  Check this out:
I could watch this over and over again and never get bored.
   I'm really glad that I got this on video when I did because she hasn't laughed the same since.  This is also very lucky because her mom was at work when this happened and didn't get a chance to see it first hand.  We knew that we would miss things as we go back to work full time.  That sucks.  So something I can do while I'm home for the summer is to take as many photos and video as possible so mom can see some of those things we will otherwise be missing.  That is how I can not be an ass this week.

Monday, June 11, 2012

22 Weeks Old or... 5 Months and 2 days

 So my wife and I might be a little competitive without actually acknowledging it.  Or maybe we do.  Von Bebe now says maamaamaamaamaamaa…. (and on and on).  She’s not actually saying Mama.  But it’s really stinkin’ close.  And since I’m home all day I’m trying to get her to say daadaadaadaa instead.  It’s not working.  I don’t know why we bother because the first words out of her mouth will probably be “Ricky, shut up!” (Ricky’s the dog who won’t stop barking)
   And when my wife barely nicked Von Bebe’s thumb with the nail clippers, her response was, “I was hoping you’d be the first one to break the baby.”  (I’m paraphrasing a bit)
   Now that I’ve been home for a few weeks I’d like to think I’m getting the hang of nap schedules, feeding times and things like that.  But I think moms have an innate ability that guys just can’t compete with.  Example:
Wife: “She’ll probably wake up in the next 20 minutes”
Me:  “Wanna make a bet?”
Wife:  “No.  I don’t like to lose.  But I bet I’m right.”
And she was.
   I don’t mind being an ass about the competition because I think my wife is right there with me.
   But HERE is a very good guide on how I can avoid being an ass with my daughter as we grow up together.
   And now for an awesome picture.  (Love these eyes!)