Remember when I was worried about Von Bebe taking a bottle a couple of months ago? (It seems like a life time now) Well check this out.
Try not to be distracted by the 60s retro shirt. She's a champ and soon won't even need me to hold the bottle for her. In fact, I think if I showed her how to defrost the milk and bottle it she would be good to go. Then my wife and I could have a date night. Too bad Von Bebe is too short to reach the freezer.
We have started Von Bebe on solid foods. It's been about 2 weeks now and she is doing great. As you can see, we are giving her portions of exactly what we are eating. I don't see a need to spend extra money purchasing highly processed puree products when she seems quite happy with our food. And lest you think she's not getting any of it down, feel free to check her diapers. She is definitely consuming at least some of it. Seen here we are all enjoying breakfast while on vacation about a week ago. Frankly, it's 4 and a half minutes of mostly inane footage. I would only expect Von Bebe's most hard core fans to watch the clip in its entirety... And witness the joy of what our mealtimes have become.
It took us 3 or 4 days to figure out that stripping her down to her diaper makes for the easiest clean up. Bibs are for sissies anyway. Things managed to stay fairly clean for this meal. Be lucky you did not witness the re-fried beans debacle a few days ago. Head-to-toe. Spilling her water didn't help, either.