... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sad VB

Maybe it's a phase.  Maybe VB is teething.  Maybe she's getting bored of us.  Maybe she woke up this morning and we weren't there.  I don't know, but she was really sad this morning and it was really difficult to console her.  She was pretty much fussing/crying right up until she was strapped into her car seat on her way to day care.  Once there, she was fine so maybe she likes it better there than at home.
   Who knows.  It's difficult now, but at least I don't have to buy her underwear... yet.  THIS article from the Good Men Project has shown me what is in store for my future in undergarment acquisition. (or more accurately... what is NOT being sold in the stores that my daughter will probably want)  Thanks, underwear makers, for being an ass!
   Despite having a serious case of the sads this morning, VB is such a delight.  Looking through some video footage this morning, I found this which instantly cheered me up and made me smile.
And this one: