I’m on break for Christmas and I decided to take advantage of
some of this free time to have lunch with my beautiful wife.
I picked her up, we got to the restaurant and everything seemed
quite pleasant until the woman at the table across from us started snapping at
her daughter. This continued every
couple of minutes until they left which wasn’t soon enough for me to thoroughly
enjoy my lunch.
The parental behavior was appalling and I was trying hard to
hide it. The mother (I estimated in her
early 20s) was there for apparently the sole purpose of having her friend
(slightly younger) apply different shades of eyeshadow. (Sorry, honey. It didn’t help) So while
the mother and her friend were busy playing make-up, the daughter (about 5
years old I think) was very bored. No
surprise there. So in an effort to
entertain herself, the daughter started squirming, wriggling and staggering
anywhere in an 8’ diameter. Anytime the
little girl moved too far out in the aisle, her mother snapped at her. Any time the little girl ended up on the
floor, the mother snapped at her. But
the best part was when the girl was leaning up against the railing at which
point the mother jumped up and gave her a swat on the butt and continued to…
ahem “discipline” the poor girl.
Yes. I was being
judgemental. But come on, lady! Is it really so hard to realize that your daughter
is attention starved and maybe if you just engaged her in conversation she
wouldn’t be so prone to seeking attention elsewhere? And I don’t mean conversation like “Wait until grandma gets here
and she will see how bad you are being!”
I may be paraphrasing a bit, but yes… she said this to her 5 year-old. But really, is it grandma’s job to raise
your child?
I imagine
this young mother is only attempting to raise her child the way she was
raised. But I hope this little girl can
grow up to break the cycle of being an ass.