The holidays are fast approaching. But not as quickly as VB is learning new things. Work is finally slowing down a bit, though I still have one more big push this weekend where I will be out of town. But then I'll have a whole week off!
Trying not to be an ass by saying how tired I am knowing that my wife is getting less sleep than me. Doesn't make me any less tired, though.
This reminds me of all that advice I got before VB was born (a little more than 10 months ago!) telling me to get as much sleep as possible. And I defiantly said something like "It's not like I can bank the hours and catch up on it later!" (paraphrasing) And I still pretty much feel that way. No matter how much I slept before, I'd STILL be tired now. If I could offer any advice, I'd say to spend more time fixing up the house and doing all those projects you want because once the baby is here, there is NO time for any of that. In fact, I might encourage you to sleep LESS in order to get those projects done! (Make the raised bed in the back yard. Paint any rooms that need to get painted. Fix the gate to the backyard. Power wash the driveway. etc.) And yes, those are all real things that desperately need attention and haven't been done yet. And you know what, they don't seem that important when you watch your baby make her first steps.
When she escapes out the broken gate or slips on the driveway will be when I feel like an ass for not doing those things sooner.