... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, June 25, 2012

24 Weeks Old!

It's Bound to come up.  And it's been in the news a lot lately.  I'm talking about the V word.  No, not THAT V word!   
   I’m talking about vaccinations.  It is quite a touchy subject depending on who you talk to.  And up until a few months ago, I had no idea that the subject of vaccinations could be so controversial.  I used to assume that everyone just did it and they started right after they were born in the hospital. 
   Then my wife got pregnant.  And we decided on a home birth.  And I started reading and researching all the alternatives out there.  If ignorance is bliss, what is the opposite?  Yeah, that’s how I’m feeling.
   Assuming you are truly unbiased, there is good information on both sides of this topic.  Yes, vaccinations save lives.  Yes, they have side effects.  Yes, the chances of experiencing said side effects are very, very small.  So are the chances of winning the powerball, but people still manage to do that, too.  And many of the illnesses that vaccinations were created for are not as ‘deadly’ as they once were. (At least not in this country)
   Sooo….  Lots of information to sort through.  Everybody has the right answer and it’s never the same as the answer that anyone else comes up with. 
   It is completely impossible to avoid being an ass when it comes to vaccinations.  Like everything else about parenting, it’s time to trust myself to make the best decision for my family.  And when someone asks about it, I can politely misdirect them by showing them cute pictures of my daughter… like these.