There's a lot on this subject circulating the internet right now. And it's good that this information is getting out there. We owe it to men like Patrick Stewart who have been fighting this fight long before it has become more mainstream. HERE is an example of why Stewart is the most awesome Enterprise captain (actor).
And HERE is Jackson Katz showing us why it is men's problem. It's up to all of us to make sure the next generation is less violent towards women.
I don't think I can say it any better than these gentlemen so please watch the above links. They are definitely not asses. If we follow their lead, it will go a long way to not making an ass of ourselves as well.
MLK Jr. said it best: "I became convinced that noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good" Which means even though we're not violent against women, sitting back and letting others be violent against women means we are still part of the problem, not part of the solution. Let's all work to be part of the solution for a better world that VB can live in. I mean really, the world is already broken enough. Let's try to fix a few of the problems.
Now here's a video of VB chasing bubbles. I love that she doesn't have a clue about things like violence against women, racism, or crimes against humanity. I wish it could stay this way forever.
You would still be looking at it if you were raising a boy. I know, because I know you, and I know, because then you look at your boy and you watch him bonk things with sticks and come home from daycare or playdates trying to puzzle out gender roles and you know you have to help them get it right.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the vote of confidence. Being an adult is hard. (this is what my wife and I say almost daily)