The last year has gone amazingly fast and it has been won-der-ful. VB has changed so much in the past two weeks I can't begin to explain everything new. I'm one proud papa.
She doesn't crawl any more. Only walking for my dd. She's starting to use all the sign language we've been trying to teach. So far she's got the sign for milk, potty, and all done. But who needs sign language when she can just point and grunt to tell us exactly what she wants.
Also, she has confronted stairs, wiping her own hands, drinking from a straw and discovering door stops. A-mazing. Can't believe how much I love her. I took way too much video footage but here's the short reel of all the greatest moments:
Now I can concentrate on not being an ass again.
But now that VB is almost one year old, maybe times are changing and I need to reboot this blog and call is something else. A friend sent me this article about how dads are made to look like big oafs in TV and advertising. Perhaps I am just as susceptible to said advertising. Maybe I'm not part of a minority after all. Maybe I've spent all year whining and moaning about how the world thinks all men are morons when it comes to parenting but things aren't actually quite so bad.
So what should I call the next year of fatherhood if I can't gripe about not being an ass any more?
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