... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, July 23, 2012

28 Weeks Old

There's a couple of things going on here.  Not only is VB playing her cool xylophone/piano thingy, but she is about to crawl in order to better position herself in front of it.
   And then there's the dog being very chill in the background. Both dogs have been very patient with the baby and with us.  They are definitely not getting the attention that they used to get, but are still very well behaved and rolling with the punches.  We'll see what happens when the baby actually starts getting more mobile and is able to chase them down. 
   A good way to not be an ass is to introduce music as early as possible.  I whistle and sing (poorly) They Might Be Giants songs; usually Birdhouse in your Soul and Angel.  My wife has had vocal training, however, and sounds like an angel herself.  She has a bedtime ritual of singing the mockingbird nursery song (which has really inane lyrics when I finally got around to googling it) along with You are my Sunshine.  And the baby must like it since she goes right to sleep mid song.
   It's hard to believe VB is 28 weeks old today.  It has been a blur and I'm afraid that I will look back and figure out all the ways in which I squandered my time with her.  I've really enjoyed my time as a stay at home dad.  I look forward to being one again in another 10 months.

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