... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 25 Day 2

   Here’s something I haven’t thought about; inadvertently hurting my child.  I guess I’ve been so preoccupied with the pregnancy and all the changes going on in our lives that thinking about actually BEING a father and all that it entails has not really made it into my waking conscience, yet.  Thanks to “How to be a dad” I now have this to look forward to.  Woo. hoo.
   Then I found this on Youtube.  And while I’m laughing my hownottobeanass off at this video (and more like them) I can’t help but cringe at the thought of actually being a participant in accidents like these.  And with our new video camera these events will be adequately documented and probably published here some years from now. 
   Can’t.  Wait.


  1. That made me laugh my ass off! REAL injuries scare the crap out of me - but the little bonks, tumbles and face plants are part of growing up and (hopefully) learning how not to bonk, tumble or face plant as an adult. But that's just theory on my part, of course, seeing as how I regularly bonk, tumble and face plant. ;)

  2. I'm totally going to be the dad pushing the kid in a plastic car and then fall right on him/her after losing my balance. My face is already hurting just thinking about it.
