... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

... Or parenthood from the male perspective.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Week 16 day 5

   The midwife heard my baby’s heartbeat yesterday.  I tried to use the fetoscope but could hardly hear my wife’s heartbeat let alone the baby’s.  And I know she has one so I’ll just have to trust the midwife. 
   This is pretty exciting.  I don’t really show my excitement much, except when I’m watching Starwars (episodes 4, 5 & 6)  I probably didn’t do much more than smile reaaal big yesterday.  But I think I may have been doing somersaults in my brain. 

   Except for the crib, which we will be borrowing from friends, the nursery is pretty much set up.  Here’s a shot:

Note the James Hance Winnie the Pooh/Starwars mashup artwork.  If my child doesn’t like Starwars I may have to pull a Luke at the end of Empire Strikes Back. “Noooooooooo!”  And then heave a big sigh and just support my child and whatever interests they develop.  Otherwise, I’d be an ass if I forced something even as cool as Starwars on my child.


  1. WTH- you already have your nursery set up?!? You're way ahead of me on my first kid. :) I like the mash-ups.

  2. Yeah... well.. we know from day one that we're going to be behind the curve so we want to do everything we can to be prepared. (And it still won't be enough)
    And we're big planners. (You've met us, right?)
